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Gratefully Grounded | Vickrant Mahajan | Superpositivity Films
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At Superpositivity Foundation, we believe that Superpositivity is an open-source platform that is continually being developed by every human being all over the world. Every act of positivity counts and so does every creation of positivity. We live in times of prolific content creation and sharing. People are doing it in copious heaps on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and myriad other platforms. Through Superpositivity Creations, it is our goal to inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to create more conscious, positive content in any way, language or manner that depicts one or more of the 150 qualities of Superpositivity. The creation could be a song, a post, a short video, a book, a painting, a play, a photograph, a choreography, a documentary, a feature film or anything in the audio-visual domain that could be mass-shared.

Besides, this platform intends to create a culture of appreciation or encouragement globally by inspiring people to stop trolling or posting negative comments on the creations of others. The goal is to transcend the web of negativity and add to the ocean of positivity through small, unique, uplifting creations, one creation at a time.

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Superpositivity Creations is a platform where every human being in the world is welcome to express their superpositive insight on life or their personal triumph-over-trials story, if they choose to. Everyone is invited to  share their creations with us in which they express any aspect of Superpositivity. But, broadly, there are 4 main guidelines that must be observed by every Superpositivity Creations content creator.


A Superpositivity Creation should not contain any religious, political or divisive content or anything that offends or shows any insensitivity to any gender, race, colour, life form, nation or community.


There must not be any negative rhetoric or behaviour of any kind during any Superpositivity Creation. One must never complain or criticise or speak ill of any entity (whether an individual or institution) during any Superpositivity Creation. In fact, the only requisite for being a Superpositivity Creations content creator or presenter is a love for life and an unceasing emphasis on hope, regardless of the enormity of the challenge one has faced.


Creating a Superpositivity Creation must be seen as a social service, and the only reason a creator should perform it is to willingly inspire others and contribute to the elevation of human consciousness.  


A Superpositivity Creation need not be performed in collaboration with Superpositivity Foundation. A Superpositivity Creation can be created autonomously by anyone, anywhere in the world, so long as they uphold the Superpositivity principles.  While this is not compulsory, tagging one's positive creation with #superpositivity and #superpositivitycreation would help us keep the momentum of Superpositivity going and would inspire other content creators to positively emulate.

Home: Contact


If you intend to create Superpositivity Creations content, you can superpositively connect with us at for further details.

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